On This Page
A First-Year Seminar is a small-group, discussion-based course open to first-years only. It is designed to intensify the intellectual experience of the first College year by allowing students to work closely with one faculty member on a topic of mutual interest. The seminar format frees both instructors and students from the usual constraints of a lecture course, such as exams and letter grades.
Instructor Eligibility Requirements
All First-Year Seminar instructors must hold an active Harvard University teaching appointment. Instructors in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences must hold a teaching appointment at the rank of Lecturer or above. Faculty from other Harvard schools must hold an appointment of Assistant Professor or above, including Clinical Professor. Emeriti Faculty and FAS Visiting Professors are also eligible to teach seminars. At this time, Preceptors, Post-Doctoral Fellows, Visiting Fellows, Adjunct Faculty, and other research (non-teaching) appointments or supervised (non-faculty) appointments are not eligible.
Proposing a First-Year Seminar
Bok Center Guidance for Faculty Teaching First-Year Seminars
Designing your syllabus, best practices, tips & strategies from FAS & OUE.
For additional guidance on designing your First-Year Seminar, please contact our Director, Dr. Ofrit Liviatan at oliviatan@gov.harvard.edu.
First-Year Seminar Proposal Form
Download the First-Year Seminar Proposal Form and return it to us with your detailed syllabus by email before the deadlines listed below.
If your appointment is pending, please provide details on your expected date of appointment and your current status at Harvard. Please attach a current C.V. if you are an FAS Lecturer, Non-FAS Faculty, or Visiting Faculty and edit it to 5 pages if possible.
Submission deadlines for our monthly Faculty Committee Proposal Reviews:
Thurs, January 23 – Tues, March 4 – Weds, April 2
All dates by 12 Noon
Please include the following on your syllabus:
- Academic Integrity-Honor Code Statements – Examples
- Including a clear statement on the scholarly standards in your field, your collaboration policy, and your late-assignment/extension policy will go a long way to avoiding issues later.
- Including a clear statement on the scholarly standards in your field, your collaboration policy, and your late-assignment/extension policy will go a long way to avoiding issues later.
- Disability Access Statement
- Harvard University values inclusive excellence and providing equal educational opportunities for all students. Our goal is to remove barriers for disabled students related to inaccessible elements of instruction or design in this course. If reasonable accommodations are necessary to provide access, please contact the Disability Access Office (DAO). Accommodations do not alter fundamental requirements of the course and are not retroactive. Students should request accommodations as early as possible, since they may take time to implement. Students should notify DAO at any time during the semester if adjustments to their communicated accommodation plan are needed.
- Harvard University values inclusive excellence and providing equal educational opportunities for all students. Our goal is to remove barriers for disabled students related to inaccessible elements of instruction or design in this course. If reasonable accommodations are necessary to provide access, please contact the Disability Access Office (DAO). Accommodations do not alter fundamental requirements of the course and are not retroactive. Students should request accommodations as early as possible, since they may take time to implement. Students should notify DAO at any time during the semester if adjustments to their communicated accommodation plan are needed.
- Generative AI Policy
- New machine learning and AI technologies, like ChatGPT, are emerging that might be tempting to use for writing and other assignments. We want to therefore remind all students that the Harvard College Honor Code forbids students to represent work as their own that they did not write, code, or create. Submission of computer-generated text without attribution is also prohibited by ChatGPT’s own terms of service (“You may not … represent that output from the Services was human-generated when it is not”).
- Feel free to modify this statement to suit your seminar.
Sample Syllabi
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
- David Armitage, Advice to Young Leaders (MSWord, PDF)
- William Fash, Clash of Titans, Seats of Empire: The Aztecs, Toltecs, and Race of Giants in Ancient Mexico (MSWord, PDF)
- Benjamin Friedman, Americans at Work in the Age of Robots and Artificial Intelligence (MSWord, PDF)
- Peter Galison, Einstein Changes Our World (MSWord, PDF)
Dates & Deadlines
Teaching Resources
- Tips for Teaching First-Year Seminars
- Getting First-Year Students to Speak Up in Seminars
- Writing Guide for the First-Year Seminar Program
- Designing Essay Assignments for First-Year Students
- Learning Lab at the Bok Center
- Teaching at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
- FAS Disability Access Office: Guide to Managing Academic Accommodations and Requests 2023-2024
- Bok Center for Teaching and Learning: Generative Artificial Intelligence and Writing Assignments
Academic Technology
- ATG Help Sessions Calendar
- Canvas Guide
- HUIT Tools and Supported Technologies
- Tech Liaison for the First Year Seminar Program
Kevin Guiney, Senior Instructional Technologist, Academic Technology Group 617-495-1059 or guiney@fas.harvard.edu.
- Field Trip Funding
All seminars receive a budget of $500 for seminar-related expenses. Please notify the First-Year Seminar Program to inquire about further funding. - Trip Waiver Form for Students
This form should be signed & returned to the First-Year Seminar Program. Please note: if a student is under 18, a parent must sign & return form by mail or fax, 617-496-3262. - Concur Instructions for First-Year Seminar-related expenses
Faculty should submit receipts (out-of-pocket or corporate card) for any expenses to the Concur system within 60 days after incurring expense to allow time for processing. First-Year Seminar-related expenses will be routed to the First-Year Seminar Program for final review and approval. To obtain information about correct coding, please email Nina at nlduncan@fas.harvard.edu. - Additional project funding and opportunities for seminars:
- Harvard Office of the Arts: offers funding resources for faculty
Library Assistance
- Our library liaison, Sarah Demott, is able to assist you with library resources, books, video materials, etc. sarah_demott@harvard.edu – https://library.harvard.edu/staff/sarah-demott
- On copyright-related questions see Copyright First Responders
Harvard Museums
- The Art Study Center of the Harvard Art Museums has beautiful classrooms and galleries that may be reserved for class meetings that incorporate art-viewing.
- For assistance locating relevant artwork for your seminar, contact Laura Muir, Research Curator of the Division of Academic and Public Programs at 617‐384‐9077 or laura_muir@harvard.edu.
- To reserve a museum classroom, contact Mary Lister, Art Study Center Manager at 617-384-9424 or mary_lister@harvard.edu. Note that there is a high demand for the museum classrooms.
- Teaching and Learning Through Museum Collections
- Harvard Museums of Science and Culture – Information for Faculty